Thursday, June 23, 2005

The Ledger Deserves Credit on the SCC Issue

The Star Ledger really deserves credit for it's reporting on the School Construction Corporation (SCC). The Ledgers in-depth reporting into the amount of money spent on SCC school construction vs. non-SCC school construction put significant heat on a wasteful organization and forced members of the state Legislature to start demanding answers of the SCC.

In today's paper the, Ledger has an article detailing how the SCC is going to reuse school designs. According to the article this shift in policy will save about 50% on the design phase of a new school. It's about time!

I hope the Ledger continues to keep the pressure on this issue. The reporting on this issue was top notch. Without their effort the SCC would have continued to fly below the radar spending taxpayer money with no accountability.


At 5:16 PM, Blogger Enlighten-NewJersey said...

Reusing the school plans was the original plan under Whitman and the Acting Gov. after her. McGreevey and company had better ideas.


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