Sunday, December 18, 2005

Confirmed by the LA times

Last week I wrote about the myth that poor blacks in New Orleans were killed in disproportionate numbers during the flooding. Remember Anderson Cooper and Kayne West on that NBC special. Well the LA Times, a noted liberal newspaper, has confirmed the information that I presented last week. The Times article begins with this indictment of the hysterical reporting by the MSM in the days following the flooding.
The analysis contradicts what swiftly became conventional wisdom in the days after the storm hit that it was the city's poorest African American residents who bore the brunt of the hurricane. Slightly more than half of the bodies were found in the city's poorer neighborhoods, with the remainder scattered throughout middle-class and even some richer districts.
I know we won't see this reported adnausium on CNN this week.


At 7:43 PM, Blogger Jeff Faria said...

There was a passing mention in the NY Times today re West's privileged life style. In certain circles (not mine, obviously) he's a well-to-do celeb with a statuesque model girlfriend. These are all perks of Bush-bashing. He won't give that up just to tell the truth. Neither will anyone else who stands to profit by telling people what they want to hear, and that includes newspapers.


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