Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Mulshine is the only OP-ED columnist that gets it

Paul Mulshine has a great column in today's Star Ledger . Mulshine took the time to read through all of the transion teams reports that Corzine recieved. He focused on the property tax report and it was enlightning at best. According to the report, Corzines "second prong" in his property tax relief plan, a citizens' convention,
"If a citizens' convention were empowered to also address the level and purposes of spending,... there would be no way to effectively confine it to totally ensure it against becoming a forum for debate of divisive social issues."
Mulshine goes on,
"Among the "divisive social issues" listed are teacher salaries and public employee pensions. If you can't consider such issues, you can't solve the property tax crisis. I could write the needed amendment in 10 minutes; this convention couldn't do it in 10 years."

Read his column. It's enlightening.


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