Thursday, May 04, 2006

Remember when we were all going to burn

Like global warming, the famous "hole in the Ozone is turning into something taht is a natural phenomena not man made.
Weatherhead and Signe Bech Anderson of the Danish Meteorological Institute in Copenhagen analyzed data from satellites and ground stations and information from 14 modeling studies.

They found that ozone levels have stabilized or increased slightly in the past 10 years. But full recovery is still decades away.

The researchers said depletion has been most severe at the poles and to a lesser extent at mid-latitudes covering bands of North America, South America and Europe.

You can always tell when scientists are lying (outside the fact that their mouths are moving) or trying to get more grant money for their studies. Almost always they will offer some justification for the phenomena that takes into account the politics of their backers using words like feel, could cause or may cause or host of phrases that you see every day. Dr. Betsey Weatherhead and Signe Bech Anderson are no different. In their press release they had this to say,
We now have some confidence that the ozone layer is responding to the decreases in chlorine levels in the atmosphere due to the leveling off and decrease of CFCs," said Dr Betsy Weatherhead, of the University of Colorado in Boulder.

"Not only is the ozone layer getting better, we feel it is due to the Montreal Protocol," she added in an interview


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