Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The Ledger Never Saw a Tax It Didn't Like

In an Editorial today The Star Ledger once again showed a remarkable need to confiscate more taxpayer money in the interest of fiscal responsibility. The Ledger states:

Codey's original proposal to generate $275 million in additional revenue by taxing services such as carpet and upholstery cleaning, limo rides and the like is a reasonable first step. Although no one likes raising taxes, budget experts already are forecasting a potential $2 billion shortfall for the fiscal year that begins July 1, 2006, thanks to soaring pension, salary and other costs. A modest extension of the number of services covered by the sales tax is a relatively painless way to close that gap.

The Ledger thinks "A modest extension of the number of services covered by the sales tax is a relatively painless way to close that gap." "A painless way to close the gap". Painless for whom? The business owner that now has to administer the collection and submission of the sales tax? The person that has to pay an extra 6% plus the passed along administration expenses a business must now pay?

This is the thinking that every New Jerseyian needs to get over. The Ledger should be outraged over the State confiscating more of its readers and employees income. It should be issuing a clarion call for all New Jerseyians call on the State to reduce its outrageous expenditures.


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