Wednesday, July 27, 2005

High Schools and Random Drug Testing

In Hunterdon County High Schools require that any child wishing to participate in -curricular activities must consent to the possibility of random drug testing. I believe that this is a huge intrusion on personal liberty, expensive and probably not necessary.

Last week Hackettstown High in nearby Warren County released the results of it's testing for this year. Seventy children were tested and one came back positive.

Doesn't this just show what most parents know? Active, involved children tend not to be drug abusers?

This is another example of the state intruding into our lives and spending our money needlessly.


At 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a Parent of a Hackettstown High School student, I am against the random drug policies of this district. The Administration is using this law to harass any student who dosen't fit into their profile. I believe it is up to the parent to police the situation not the school. The Administration of HHS is running the school as a "gulag", the student and parent morale has declined since the current Principal began her "reign". Her contract must not be renewed!


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