Friday, October 28, 2005

Here We Go Again

Reported in the Ledger today: Jersey City tries to seize bar for private school's field .
"...when the city's redevelopment agency moved this summer to seize the bar and the back room apartment where owner Cheng Tan lives, it wasn't to make way for another gleaming office tower or upscale residential project.

Instead, the city plans to turn the property over to a Catholic high school, so it can expand its football field."
There should be little doubt in anyone's mind that Kelo has emboldened local Governments to use their eminent domain powers.

But wait! What does the expert from Rutgers say?
"It's probably overblown for political reasons in the sense that municipalities have built in reasons why they should be wary of using eminent domain willy-nilly," said Damon Smith, assistant professor at the Rutgers School of Law School-Camden.

"There is reason to believe municipalities don't see this as the quick and easy land grab as it has been described." link "
Me thinks, it's time to leave the Ivory Tower.


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