Thursday, October 20, 2005

Passionless Governors Race

With just a few weeks remaining until the General Election I've been struck as to how little passion the campaign for governor generated. There are so many issues in New Jersey e.g. property taxes, corruption, massive deficits and a slew of other problems that it is mind boggling that the citizens of the State aren’t more engaged. Additionally, on the national front this race could turn out to be very large. Electing a Republican Governor in New Jersey would be a large coup for the Republicans.

Perhaps it's because the candidates themselves are not fiery and passionate. I know for me, neither Corzine nor Forrester makes me want to jump up and down. Perhaps it's because the positions the candidates have taken on hot button issues like tax reform are so clearly not going to be effective at solving the problem that there's no reason to fight for one over the other.

The New Jersey Blogs have also been fairly tame in this election. There has been many interesting posts on Corzine and Forrester, some with extremely detailed reporting, yet at least to my knowledge the blogs haven't gotten the amount of readership and comments one might have thought.

I guess the problems that the state faces are just not pressing enough to generate passion in people. Perhaps when they see the tax bill that the next Governor is going to drop on them they'll get the message.


At 4:05 PM, Blogger Market-Mouro said...

You are right. Except for the blogging issue. has a good collection of the jersey blogs discussing the race on a prety oft basis.

As for the apathy, Jersey is one of the richest states, its fat. It does not surprise me that apathy runs rampant.


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