Live Blog the State of the Union via MSNBC
9:00: Matthews - Can't say anything against Laura
9:01: Supreme court walks in. Alito walks in. A victory for Bush for a long time.
9:02: Matthews says other supreemes won't come because they think they are being used. What's up with that? They are?
9:03: Rumsfeld, according to Matthews is one of the most controversial of the cabinet members. Among who?
9:05: Alito, a Jersey boy, looks good.
9:06: Homeland security should take a back seat.
9:07: Why is Matthews talking about the anti-bellum south?
9:08: President walks in
9:09: Pelosi wants to be seen with Bush.
9:11: Bush looks good and confident
(is this going to be a conservative speech?)
9:13: A civil tone and not let differences harden. (Teddy?)
9:16: Freedom... Blah, blah... Hamas... Blah, Blah... Radical Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Name your enemy. GOOD JOB.
9:20: They guy in Afghanistan (Osamas's second, laughed at him yesterday for missing him in the predator attack in Pakistan.
9:22: Are not all enemies brutal?
9:23: I still don't get the Iraq-Terror war stuff. We have "adjusted our tactics", can we ask the ABC guys'.
9:25: Stand behind my decision to Invade Iraq because we need to stand behind the troops. Repubs stand proud, The line makes no sense. Why are our children being killed? He can not elucidate an argument.... (I love our kids. I hate what he asked them to do.)
9:27: Never forget the sacrifices of military families. Why are we fighting. "Elections are Vital", he said... What about Hamas
9:29: Call for Hamas to reject all and work for peace (Churchill... The best way to control a rebel is to invite him to dinner)
9:30: Iran... Bang on!
9:31: Iran: A call for revolution!
9:32: How'd we get to AIDS? Malaria? Shoot. DDT! Screw Rachel Carson who was wrong anyway.
9:34: NSA Spying: "Connect the Dots"... I hope it was only international. (The NYT claims it was domestic).
9:35: NSA Spying: Good line. I don't want to be hit again.
9:36: NSA Spying: Presidents of both parties? "I love Clinton"?
9:37 But, not as fast as China and India
9:39: He is a one worlder. (I actually agree with him) Intend to shape the future (Don't steal Exxons' profit)
9:40: Tax cuts Perm!!!!!!
9:42: Line item veto.!!!!! We need it for all Presidents, regardless of party.
9:44: Another call for non-partisan politics.
9:45: Any country (with more than a first grade education) could kick our ass.
9:47: Did Senetor Fierst ever go potty?
9:50: First, The Indians and Chinese have kicked our butts. But, we know that Exxon's 10 Billion will pull our ass from the fire in the future.
9:53: Blah, blah, Blah.... Has he been to Camden?
9:55: Good job on the SCOTUS.....
9:57: WOW. Take a shot at stem cell cloning (look at Korea)....
9:58: Be Strong....
10:00: Let's pander with a meaningless wish list.....
With a wonkette I never meet, I need to to go drink now. Kettle one on all!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Matthews is nuts..... Listen now...
Good speach..
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