Friday, January 20, 2006

Peggy Noonan - a real conservative in the Republican party

In the opinion Journal speaking of her wish for the Republican party on the anniversary of Regan's inauguration 25 years ago...
"That it regain a sense of its historic mission. That it stop seeming the friend of the wired and return to being the great friend of Main Street, for Main Street still, in its own way, exists. That it return to basic principles on spending, regulation and state authority. That it question a foreign policy that often seems at once dreamy and aggressive, and question, too, an overreaching on immigration policy that seems composed in equal parts of naivete and cynicism. That its representatives admit that lunching with lobbyists is not the problem; failing to oppose the growth of government--so huge that no one, really no one, knows what is in its budget--is. That they reduce the size and power of government. That they help our country."


At 11:35 AM, Blogger Jack said...

That's similar to the arguments heard from David Brooks, WSJ etc. I guess what I'm wondering is who they believe would best lead the party in the House and Senate? The guy, Flake, from Arizona seems like the only true proponent of small government in the running for majority leader.

- Jersey Perspective


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