Thursday, February 09, 2006

But we're nice and tolerant

The Danes are confused .
A lot of Danes have problems understanding what is going on and why people in those countries reacted this way," said Morton Rixen, a philosophy student, looking out his window at a city awhirl in angst and snow. "We're used to seeing American flags and pictures of George Bush being burned, but we've always seen ourselves as a more tolerant nation. We're in shock to now be in the center of this."
When will the politically correct, liberal left learn that there are people in the world that really don't see the world in their terms. Do they think that a shia law is tolerant of drinking, adultery, abortion and an array of other western "sins"? Do they think that if their tolerant enough and can just understand a little more about a culture that it will all be better?

Danes suspect that the furor over the cartoons has been co-opted by the wider anti-Western agenda of Middle East extremism. Yet they believe the media images of fury over the drawings have cracked the veneer of their nation and exacerbated a debate about immigration, freedom of expression, religious tolerance and a vaunted perception of racial harmony often disputed by immigrants.

The West is in the midst of a cultural war and the politically correct speech crowd has so limited the words one can use in a debate that no one say the king has no clothes.


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