Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I've written about this before and sooner or later it will sink in

Last November I wrote a post about the riots that were then raging throughout France. At the time I wrote about Europe's Muslim issues
...the riots in France are going to become an instructive event. Virtually every country in Western Europe is in the midst a native population decline. In order to stem this decline and to keep up economic activity, they have allowed virtually unfettered, immigration of Muslims, mostly from their North African ex-colonies. Many of these people are uneducated and perform menial labor.
I ended the post with a warning and it is more appropriate today than when I wrote it.
It wouldn't surprise me to see an upcoming wave of terrorism in France. And, no amount of outlawing criticism of any ethnic group as hate speech is going to stop what is coming. It would be wise for the Brits and the Dutch to pay close attention.
The fear in capitals all through Europe is palatable as the ruling parties see the outrageous behavior of Muslims world wide to the perceived slight caused by the cartoons published in a Danish newspaper. Today in Denmark the Prime Minister felt compelled to issue a statement about the riots and to ward off the possibility that France's November would be Denmark's February.
Denmark's Prime Minister on Tuesday called protests over drawings of the Prophet Muhammad a global crisis and appealed for calm.

"We are now facing a growing global crisis," Anders Fogh Rasmussen said. "It now is something else than the drawings in Jyllands-Posten."
Appeasement is never going to help in this situation and everyone is doing it. Look at this position of prostation in front of the Muslim hordes from the bstions of freedom in the west.
The U.S. and British governments criticized publication of the caricatures as offensive to Muslims, raising questions about whether the line between free speech and incitement had been crossed.

The Danish government tried to contain the damage. Foreign Minister Per Stig Moeller called Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and said the Danish government "cannot accept an assault against Islam," according to Abbas' office.

On Monday, Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen said his government could not apologize on behalf of a newspaper, but that he personally "never would have depicted Muhammad, Jesus or any other religious character in a way that could offend other people." link
Should the Brits be worried? Not at all. The new Neville Chamberlin, Jack Straw, had this to say
British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw criticized European media for reprinting the caricatures. While free speech should be respected, Straw said "there is not any obligation to insult or to be gratuitously inflammatory."
The sooner people admit that there is a serious cultural divide between Muslims and the Western, Judeo-Christian world the better off the West will be. It's time to call the rioting what it is, organized rioting provoked by Imans in order to exert influence.


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