Tough words from the Op/Ed page
In the past two days the Ledger has taken a strong tone of voice in it's editorials. It is refreshing. Yesterday the editorial was about school elections
A sense of voter impotence also contributes to the apathy. A rejected budget goes to the municipal council, which can leave it unchanged or make cuts -- usual very minor ones. If the council opts for cuts and the board is unhappy, it can appeal to the state education commissioner. Voters have no further say.On Sunday the Ledger finally came to terms with the folly of it's previous stand on the Abbott decision.
It's time to take a serious look at school elections. Either move them to November and make the results binding -- just like any other election-- or scrap them.
Continuing the charade is unacceptable.
The two topics most likely to rile civic-minded New Jerseyans are property taxes and Abbott schools. It is becoming more difficult for those who support statewide funding for impoverished schools, including this newspaper, to keep the two issues from becoming one contentious discussion.
School aid certainly will become the eye of an economic maelstrom if the state, particularly the Department of Education and the municipalities that are home to Abbott school districts don't institute reforms.
The Star-ledger has caught on to the "poor school district" scam twenty years late, but better than never.
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