Thursday, July 28, 2005

The SCC is Officially Broke!

Well, it's official. The SCC has allocated the last $1.5 billion that it has. The SCC has chosen to build 31 new schools and make improvements an additional 28. Cities that did not have ongoing construction were shut out.

Because of mis-management or fraud (depends on who you talk to)at the SCC cities all over the state are still using their eminent domain powers to throw people out their homes to make room for schools that are not coming.

I really hope that the State Legislature defies the courts and refuses to spend the additional billions that the SCC will require.


At 2:40 AM, Blogger Jeff Faria said...

It's absolute fraud, on a huge scale - and it needs to be investigated by someone OTHER than the Democrats in charge. All that money - and not a single new school? Just a lot of "studies and surveys" leading nowhere?


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