Friday, September 30, 2005

I Heard a Forrester Ad Today. Finally!

I heard a Forrester ad on WABC today. It was good. The ad spoke about Corzine voting to raise taxes 133 times while in the Senate and how that's not going to change when he's Governor. But, right in the middle of the comercial, they have a line that says somethig like Corzine's ..."going to raise your property taxes."

A Governor can't raise your property taxes. It struck me as wrong. I wonder how many others thought that?


At 9:38 PM, Blogger Ken Adams said...

While a governor cannot directly raise your property taxes, he can certainly cause them to go up indirectly. For example, suppose that 10 years ago it cost $5 million per year to run a small suburban school district, and the district received $2.5 million in state aid. Over the last 10 years, governors have held state aid constant in dollars rather than percentage terms, while costs have increased at 3% per year. After ten years, instead of a 50/50 split between state and local taxes, the local taxpayers are footing 63% of the bill. The local taxpayers face an average annual increase in school property taxes of nearly 7%, while total cost has risen only 3% per year.

At 9:44 AM, Blogger felix said...

How about if the Democrat controlled state legislature increases taxes? I think the Governor can veto. The idea being that Corzine would not veto, but Forrester would. Thus Corzine would be increasing taxes.


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