Monday, November 14, 2005

An Update on Carol Segal and His Eminent Domain Fight

On October 3rd I wrote a brief synopsis on a sneaky land grab by Union Township. Recently an anonymous commenter on that piece sent this update:
Carol Segal just won another round in court. The judge ruled he can subponea anyone he needs, and also the burden of proof is on the town to prove Carol Segal should not be allowed to do the development on his property himself. Since he already has a contract with a nationally known building contractor, Centex, I doubt the town can prove its case.
I can't find any reference to this case on the net, but would love to hear if anyone else has seen something.

I've included a link to a Newsmax version of the original article that I referenced as it will stay around longer. link


At 11:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Segal has the burden to show that the town's adoption of the redevelopment plan is arbtirary and capricious.
Now I understand though, that the town has adopted an ordinance to abandon the whole project, so in Segal's words, they are no longer stealing his land. Yes, thats right, no eminent domain. I bet there won't be one positive press on that point.

At 11:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Probably not. The real issue here was the impression of impropriety between Cryan, the committee, Albert G. Mauti Jr. and his cousin Joseph who picked up the tab for a fund raising dinner for Cryan. It was right after that that the town moved to have Mauti develop the land.

The deal had a bad smell all around it and if Segal's story had not been picked up around the country, Union would have kept right on moveing.

At 9:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear the town abandon the whole project. Segal got what he wanted-- NO EMINENT DOMAIN! I applaud him on his victory! Way to stand up to the gov't.


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