Tuesday, November 08, 2005

He Thinks Bush is Conservative

Richard Goldstein of Somerset wrote a letter to the editor in yesterdays paper that made me laugh out loud. The paragraph that started me on my raucous laughter?
"Bush is the most conservative president of all time. He is also, arguably, the most "handled" president. He is handled by the apostles of Ronald Reagan (the conservatives' messiah), and some say they are running policy."
Let's see how conservative Bush really is:

1. He signed the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Bill. A law that stripped our First Amendment rights when speaking of incumbents before an election, because he thought the Supreme Court would strike the law down.

2. Bush has advocated a general amnesty for illegal aliens and refuses to secure our borders.

3. Bush has presided over the largest expansion of a Government program with the Medicaid prescription benefit, which is so rich that it doesn't even means test a recipient. That means Bill Gates and Warren Buffet get to participate in the program.

4. Bush signed the recent looting of the Federal Treasury, better known as the $286.5 billion dollar transportation bill.

5. Bush elected to start a war in Iraq that was not necessary and has cost us a fortune in both treasure and blood.

6. Bush has promised to spend $51.8 billion (more likely to be $75 Billion dollars) for Katrina relief. With absolutely no spending controls.

This is a Conservative? If anything Bush is an FDR Democrat!

Goldstiens Letter:

Richard Goldstein, Somerset In another world After reading Paul Mulshine's Oct. 25 column, "Mistreated for too long, the dog bites back," I have to question whether he and I are on the same planet. Mulshine attempts to make the case that true blue conservatives are "biting back" at George Bush for not being conservative after all. Say what? Here's another good one. In the runup to the 2000 election, Bush wanted Pat Buchanan (true blue) to leave the Republican Party for a third-party candidacy. Yeah sure, Bush was so rich with support that he just gave away fringe votes.

Bush is the most conservative president of all time. He is also, arguably, the most "handled" president. He is handled by the apostles of Ronald Reagan (the conservatives' messiah), and some say they are running policy.

Mulshine writes: "Some conservatives have finally figured out that George Bush is just another Bill Clinton without the loud wife and willing intern." To borrow from Lloyd Bentson, I knew Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton was a favorite of mine. George Bush is no Bill Clinton.


At 8:09 AM, Blogger Sluggo said...

While Clinton was conservative when he had to be (i.e. when a Republican congress held his feet to the fire) GWB has to drag congress along with his big spending, big government notions. He's part Republican, part Party of Government.


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